Nimli is a company devoted to making the world more natural, organic and green. It's basically an online marketplace that carries anything and everything natural and organic. Nice to have a one stop shop, instead of having to find all the brands scattered across the web!
I received from Nimli a beautiful Azuri Feather Pashmina in Stone. It's lightweight and finely woven. It will keep me warm and looking stylish. The natural, soft sheen of the silk adds elegance and lightness to the Pashmina Shawl. I can definitely see this pashmina being worn at formal events and even casual outings! It can be worn as a shawl, wrap and scarf. It is the ideal & perfect wrap you can carry with you all the time.
Nimli has other great brands all facilitating the organic lifestyle. Check out these killer boots by Neuaura! They are fairly traded, sustainable and vegan-- nice!
Go to Nimli.com for sales and great prices on all your organic necessities!
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